Devlog - 08/26/2024 - Kincaid’s Corrosive pH’un Time

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Patreon Builds

Hi everyone!

Oops! Looks like my water turned to vinegar... or something.

Wait.. That’s not water!

If you've played the old builds you might remember the acid pools we used in some areas! Since I was already in the zone with animating fluids for the water and waterfalls I thought it might be a good opportunity to get this out of the way, too!

Here are some early experiments of surface motions:

After we decided on a general animation style, I animated it across the whole surface into a more chaotic acid bath with overlapping bubbles:

We were very happy with how it looked in Aseprite so we brought it into the engine and bunny continued to tweak and refine it.

No acid pool would be completely without some bubbles. I made a couple of variations and tried them out in game:

To make the surface look less repetitive, Null made it so each chunk starts at a different frame. Aaaand to introduce even more chaos, he made it so each chunk changes its animation speed oh so slightly to get them even further out of sync. To finish it off we layered another particle system across the top of the pool. And here's the final result:

And More Hazards

Here are some other hazards I started working on for the cisterns:

They are still in the early concepting stage.

We want to work on better differentiating which traps only hurt you and which hurt you but also reset your position to the last save ground position.

The idea with these is that the smaller ones just hurt you and push you back while the bigger ones send you back.

Cistern Art

Last but not least, Fabian sent us a small update with some of the tiles for the cisterns:

Getting Rid of Jank

Over the course of development the game accumulated a bunch of bugs in the movement system and some overall jank that makes the game not feel as good as it should. Null has been working on rewriting part of our player collision detection and physics to improve the game feel further.

The biggest thorn in our eyes was the collision handling of ceiling slopes. Oftentimes, when Kincaid jumped up against a slope, she would just zip along until her head hit a flat surface again, or the jump momentum gave out. It looked and felt really bad and because we want to use a lot of slopes in the cisterns, this bug needed to get fixed.

Until next time! Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Kobold City Cisterns Work-in-Progress
  • New small lewd animation DONE
  • New CG scene DONE

Long-term Projects

  • Soundtrack: New Soundtrack Additions
  • Haven: Working on backgrounds and props Work-in-Progress
  • Bat: A new major enemy Work-in-Progress

Get The Adventures of Kincaid (18+)


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cookiedraggy Where did you learn to make games? Are there any YouTube channels or websites you recommend?


Looks great.


I'm holding out for the Steam release. Looking forward to finally playing this game in full!

Be prepared to wait another 2-3 years if we're lucky.


"Oh, im approaching an acid area" 
"How can you tell?"
"losing frames"