Devlog - 08/12/2024 - H2OwO

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Patreon Builds

Hi everyone!

Work is progressing smoothly on the upcoming build!

New CG Pack Released: Kobold x Tiger Lover

Reydam finished the illustration set for the game! It's super hot and looks looks absolutely stunning, especially the background is so colorful and pretty. We're all very happy with how it turned out!

Higher tier patrons can grab the set here:

Water & Waterfall Animations

My main focus was making the water and waterfalls look good and finalizing the assets.

I didn't expect animating waterfalls to be this difficult and frustrating, given how much I enjoy animating the other types of liquids you encounter in this game! ^w~


In a previous post I showed some early sketches of water bodies and waterfalls, but then put it to the side as more important things kept popping up.

Here are some of the sketches again:

After some further tweaking and making some more variations we tested them in-game and whittled them down to a 3 versions we liked to be used in different biomes.


I took a similar approach for the waterfalls:

Trying out different styles in the game and getting feedback from friends and fellow devs, we quickly decided on one of the versions.

I was very happy at that point!

Until it came to animating it. xD I got super frustrated trying out a few approaches:

Eventually I honed in on a style that looked good static and in-game and I started refining it, adding layers and animations, adding secondary effects like sparkles, particles, rim lights, foam at the bottom etc.

Here's what it looks like in-game so far:

For the final tweaking of the color balancing, transparency and speed, bunny made a little debug tool with some sliders:

Until next time!  

Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Kobold City Cisterns
  • New small lewd animation
  • New CG scene

Long-term Projects

  • Soundtrack: New Soundtrack Additions
  • Haven: Working on backgrounds and props
  • Bat: A new major enemy

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Looking great!
Ooh, bat...