Devlog - 07/17/2024 - Visiting Haven

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Patreon Builds

Hi everyone!

I'm really stoked to give you guys a first look at Haven! Aside from the upcoming main Kincaid build, this is something we've been working on, on and off, iterating through different concepts.

New Experimental Build: Haven Preview

This build is merely a playable mockup - something we made for ourselves to nail the flair we want to go for. There is not much gameplay aside from a few NPCs you can talk to.

A lot of the graphics are still very rough. Background art is often left sketched in and the NPCs aren't animated and often not completely finished either.

My goal was to get the broad strokes down for the world and then hand it off to Fabian, so he has a bit more direction and a visual goal to work towards.

Another goal was to use this opportunity to preview some of the characters and story elements that are going to play a role later on. I'm hoping that even tho it is still in its infant stages, it is going to give you guys a bit more context as to what's going on and why Kincaid is on that jungle planet.

Higher tier patrons can grab the preview here:

For everyone else, there is going to be a version included in the upcoming main build!

Misc Tasks

The preview build aside, our time was spent mostly on more animation work, drafting the short story that goes along with the Tiger x Kobold scene and level design work. Pretty much just grinding out the remaining tasks for the upcoming main build!

Until next time! Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • Kobold City Cisterns
  • New small lewd animation
  • New CG scene

Long-term Projects

  • Soundtrack: New Soundtrack Additions
  • Haven: Working on backgrounds and props
  • Bat: A new major enemy

Get The Adventures of Kincaid (18+)


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This game is really, really good. Like at first I thought it was just an nsfw game but it's alot more than that.


Should so more gang bang scenes with same types or intermixed enemies. Bring out more fun and possibilities for content and art