Weekly Roundup - 03/03/2023 - Wrapping up the Dev Cycle

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Hi everyone!

New Creepy Crawlies!

Here’s a preview of the first patch of minor critters and enemies that will be added!

These are the plants the Kobolds use to make their slingshot ammo and bombs out of! Just a simple trap to keep the player on their toes!

The big brother of the smaller metroid crawler! A pretty simple patroller-type enemy!

We figured we needed a few more aerial enemies so I designed a couple and we decided to make this one for this build. It’s a projectile based enemy versus the melee-based, smaller one.

Fast Travel Locations & Visual Polish Pass

In order to get this build out very soon, we decided to push these things into the next build and make the focal point of the following build just overall polish and quality of life! The fast travel locations have already been coded but they’d still need some art done.

Here’s a GIF of how they work - behold Null's beautiful placeholder art~

Basically you liberate Flapper Outposts by defeating all the enemies in the area. Then you can punch the gong to summon a friendly flapper to carry you to any other liberated outpost!

Level Design

Now all that’s left for this build is wrapping up the levels of the next area, playtesting, tweaking and fixing bugs, which will be the sole focus from now on until it is ready to be released!

Haven Tileset Update

Things are moving along here, too! We've received the first round of mockups to figure out the direction for the base tileset and backwalls! Can't wait to share a first sneak peek with you guys soon!

Until next week!
Cookie & Bunny

Overall Status Report

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • New lewd animation: Shaman Fur Exploration: DONE!
  • Minor enemies: DONE!
  • New Area: “Kobold City Ruins”: Working on levels
  • Visual pass over jungle levels: Pushed to next build
  • Fast Travel Locations: Pushed to next build

Long-term Projects

  • Haven: First round of mockups received.
  • Soundtrack: Write a story & gameplay overview for Moon Mink to help the development of the rest of the soundtrack

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waiting on the steam release.


looks  good already, i'm really glad that i've put money into this project.

Looking forward to further updates :)