Weekly Roundup - 01/23/2023 - Welcome to Haven!

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Hi everyone!

I hope you had a nice start into the week! I worked on two different projects: New upcoming lewds to be featured in the next build and concepts for a new environment!

Annual Recap & Planning

Last week I posted a lengthy post on how 2022 went, what we accomplished and what we're setting out to do this year!

If you're curious about what's on the horizon for Kincaid you can check it out here: Annual Recap & Plans for 2023 ( https://www.patreon.com/posts/annual-recap-for-77309515 )

Reminder: Build 2022.12

In case you missed it during the holidays and new years, I wanted to point out that there's also a new build! You can read the changelog and grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/released-kincaid-76590765

Now let's jump into the past week's work!

New Area: Haven

Haven is going to be the central hub area of the game - a big space station that is a level in its own right. There's gonna be people to meet, shops, some mini-games and some of the major story beats of the story are gonna take place there!

We’ve created a rough map of the different areas and districts the station is going to cover, put together moodboards and references for Fabian to work off of.

I’ve also done some rough mockups to give an idea of the vibe we’re going for. Here’s some of the concepts!

These are just some very early ideas - we're probably going to play aorund with colors and moods a lot until we arrive at the final design.

"U-Uhm. May I... ?"

The shaman is a very curious kobold and she's never touched fur in her entire life! She has *read* about the mysterious furred Fog Singers in her tomes and scrolls. But they’re living in another world and there hasn’t been any communication between them for generations (and those ruffian sabertooths are way too scary!).

And now there is a furred person standing right infront of her - No way she’s gonna let that opportunity pass up! ^w~

Yep! I started work on the animation for the shaman kobold! You can grab the sketchpack containing the first couple of position ideas here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shamans-fur-77399643

I'm gonna update the sketchpack as I work on the animation!

Overall Status Report

This is a new section I am experimenting with. Basically it gives a bigger picture overview of the work going into the upcoming build, as well as bigger and longer-term tasks such as concept and design work for things on the horizon.

Upcoming Build Tasks

  • New lewd animation: Shaman Fur Exploration *Started*
  • Visual pass over jungle levels
  • New Area: “Kobold City Ruins”
  • Minor enemies
  • Fast Travel Locations

Long-term Projects

  • Haven: In Progress, concepting, mockups and greyboxing.
  • Soundtrack: Write a story & gameplay overview for Moon Mink to help the development of the rest of the soundtrack

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Wen you mean by People, you mean human People or people of their own kind? Also minigame? Im really looking foward to that and I hope everything is going well.


No specifics yet on mini-games but I was thinking of little things like races or tiny challenges you can find in other games such as Zelda or Shantae. ^^

As for people, yeah I mean different species. Not planning on adding humans to this game, tho. ^^