Weekly Roundup - Week 44 - New Experimental Build Out!

Art Packs

Sketch Packs

Experimental Build

Hi everyone!

Experimental Build out for Chief Explorers and Legendary Explorers!

It includes the following content:

  • Warp Room (to alleviate some of the issues the broken save system is causing at the moment)
  • Kincaid Solo Scene (finish the mason’s quest to see it)
  • Big Kobold Boss Fight (easily reachable via the Warp Room)

In order to use the warp room, just start a blank save! You will have the option of grabbing any upgrades you want and then you can choose one of the portals that lead to various starting positions. The portals also set all necessary quest flags for you. For example, if you choose to go to the Wolf, the portal will set all the village quests to be completed that are necessary to reach the portal.

Grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58536428

Boss Fight Progress

Except for a few cinematics (intro, transition to phase 2 and boss defeated) the fight has been completed and can be played from beginning to end!

On the art front I blocked out all the necessary frames and am now in the process of filling in the details!

Warp Room

Until the new save system has been implemented, players have the option of choosing their starting position and gear. Start a fresh save and this is what you’ll see:

Warm regards,
Cookie & Null

Get The Adventures of Kincaid (18+)


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Ich bin sichtlich beeindruckt und ich freue mich sehr das ihr dran bleibt um euer werk zu verwirklichen. Mit freundlichen grüßen drake midir aus deutschland.

so the solo part  is for the boss ok  :)


looks amazing as usual, but be careful to not over work yourselves or burn your selves out! and stay hydrated!


nice, the boss looks really good, well done


Wow cool